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Machu Picchu

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About Machu Picchu

Standing guard over the Sacred Valley since the 15th century from its almost 8,000-foot perch, Machu Picchu is the most iconic Incan site in the country. Because the citadel is also on many bucket lists of people around the world and is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, it is also the most visited destination in Peru.

Explore Peru


Machu Picchu is a religious, astronomical, ceremonial and agricultural site consisting of approximately 200 structures, including temples, palaces, terraces, walls, monuments and more. Due to its wealth of structures, it can take hours to see everything, and there are a few that every visitor should see, such as the Sun Gate, or Inti Punku, especially at sunrise. Other must-see Machu Picchu sights include the Watchman’s Hut, which has a commanding view of the city; the Temple of the Sun, where you will find some of the citadel’s finest stone work; the Royal Tomb, or Palace of the Princess, which lies next to the Temple of the Sun; the Sacred Plaza, which includes the Temple of the Three Windows, the Principal Temple and the House of the High Priest; the House of Ornaments, considered the most beautiful building in the complex; and Intihuatana, a ritual stone that was used for astronomical observations and ceremonies.

When to Go

Because Machu Picchu is the most visited place in Peru, try to avoid visiting from June through August when the crowds are at their greatest. The best time to visit is from mid-April to June and September and October when the weather is clear and dry.

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